Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Royalty! Aslan! Travel! Adventure!

Dear friends, 
I have been inspired lately by God's desire to give us purpose- good stories. I have been reading the Old Testament in my Biblical literature class, and I am in awe of time and how it absorbs us until we lack faith. God has plans for every single person on this earth...I wonder what happens when we grow cowardly and refuse the Lord's task. God uses the faithful, those who persevere through time, fog, and the mire. We were all born to reclaim humanity and seek to have our glory restored; born for a true adventure, a task. What would have happened had Frodo felt no responsibility towards mankind? What if Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy denied being sons of Adam and daughters of Eve-Human? No story. And to think, people aren't living their stories because they are too rushed to consider what their story was originally intended to be. Maybe they feel unworthy. Maybe they are ashamed of their old story; can't accept the new, and have hushed the still, small voice calling them to purpose. I don't know. I just can't shake what I envision just overseas, as if attainable here on earth...someday: Me riding lions with fellow tribesmen to other kingdoms across the great land, governing the world, maintaining peace. Being stewards of the land, and having fellowship once more with our Creator. I see it. That is my heart song! What does our glory look like here on earth? What is our purpose now? What is our story? I'm certain we were written as an epic.