Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Oh, you're an actor..."

I have always had a hard time communicating with people. I never know how to share my heart with others. It’s as if my whole life is a junior high missions’ trip to Mexico, and I don’t know a word of Spanish. I struggle with the knowledge that I have something so special to share, and no way to tell it. Sometimes I can only express myself through sounds, movements, or facial expressions. Rarely can I find the words I desperately search for.
     I have found that the theatre is a great medium for communication; a type of translator, if you will, that aids me in sharing a part of myself with other humans.  My ultimate delight is when I play a role I identify with. I portray someone who has had their heartbroken, harbors guilt or ill-will towards another, is overjoyed, or in love, and I’m saying to the audience, “I have felt this way! Have you?”
My whole being desires to reach out to people; to communicate. We humans were created to do so. We were created to be in fellowship with one another. Actually, we were created to be in fellowship with our Creator. I have no doubt that being an actress relates to my soul’s search to recover glory. I am imitating my creator, and wanting the same relationship with others He wants from us. Intimacy. The arts create intimacy.
No doubt I could do something else with my life. I have always cared about justice, children, the impoverished, and downtrodden. I could easily seek out another outlet. I love the miracle of life, and will sacrifice and suffer to preserve its sanctity. I could become a social worker, doctor, or midwife. I could be a foster parent, and mother a tribe of children; I most likely will! But I cannot escape the arts. I and the arts will never be separate from one another.
I am not just drawn or called to the arts. Words like drawn and called may sound lovely, like it’s not by my own strength or will, but those words imply I was once without art. They suggest that God had to do an altar call to get me down the aisle, when really I had the desire to be there all along. Like my Father in Heaven, I was born to create. I am so invested in creation, I can’t escape it. I cannot help but use the imagery of a working heart, with veins pumping blood throughout the body. Like those veins assisting the heart, I am too invested in a good thing to quit.
I was raised surrounded by beauty. My parents are artists as well, so everything always came back to art. I relate to my family through the arts, all of us having a great spiritual bond through beauty and our understanding of God’s glory for us. My relationship with Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit have much to do with the arts. It is my way of imitating my Creator, worshipping my Father, working with the Spirit, and being with Jesus. I have to point out that the Creator of the universe loved me enough to die for me, and sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within me. He is invested in me, His creation, so it is no wonder I have inherited His love to create.
I am an artist because… I see glimpses of eternity through creation. I love the constant reminder to have hope for Glory and the Joy of the Lord.