Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Royalty! Aslan! Travel! Adventure!

Dear friends, 
I have been inspired lately by God's desire to give us purpose- good stories. I have been reading the Old Testament in my Biblical literature class, and I am in awe of time and how it absorbs us until we lack faith. God has plans for every single person on this earth...I wonder what happens when we grow cowardly and refuse the Lord's task. God uses the faithful, those who persevere through time, fog, and the mire. We were all born to reclaim humanity and seek to have our glory restored; born for a true adventure, a task. What would have happened had Frodo felt no responsibility towards mankind? What if Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy denied being sons of Adam and daughters of Eve-Human? No story. And to think, people aren't living their stories because they are too rushed to consider what their story was originally intended to be. Maybe they feel unworthy. Maybe they are ashamed of their old story; can't accept the new, and have hushed the still, small voice calling them to purpose. I don't know. I just can't shake what I envision just overseas, as if attainable here on earth...someday: Me riding lions with fellow tribesmen to other kingdoms across the great land, governing the world, maintaining peace. Being stewards of the land, and having fellowship once more with our Creator. I see it. That is my heart song! What does our glory look like here on earth? What is our purpose now? What is our story? I'm certain we were written as an epic. 

Friday, July 1, 2011


They have unlimited amounts of hope.

They adore you when you are not adorable.

They forgive and forget without thinking twice.

They cry when they have to.

They tell you when they love you.

They are eager to please.

They draw you pictures and make you necklaces.

They choose to sit close to you.

They look up to you.

They trust without doubt.

They remember what you say.

They view the world to be as innocent as they are.

They are unashamed by their wild aspirations.

They treasure the small things.

They are grateful for your time.

                                   No wonder we are to be like them.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Only Human?

1. Human, humane  may refer to that which is, or should be,characteristic of human beings. In thus describing characteristics,human  may refer to good and bad traits of a person alike ( humankindness; human weakness ). When emphasis is placed upon thelatter, human  is thought of as contrasted to divine: To err ishuman, to forgive divine. He was only human. Humane  (the originalspelling of human,  and since 1700 restricted in meaning) takes intoaccount only the nobler or gentler aspects of people and is oftencontrasted to their more ignoble or brutish aspect. A humane person is benevolent in treating fellow humans or helpless animals;the word once had also connotations of courtesy and refinement(hence, the application of humane  to those branches of learning intended to refine the mind). 

My thought is this: Why throw away God's beautiful design because we're ashamed of our execution of it? 

If God made humans in Eden, not celestial beings, to love, have fellowship, and give rule and dominion over the whole entire earth, why are we letting Satan claim humanity? Should not being fully alive in Christ Jesus be fully human? 

We are not in Heaven, we are on Earth. We are not dead yet. We are living and we are humans. It was never God's intent for us to die, it is unnatural. God offers life to the fullest to us on Earth. "For God did not send His Son into the World to condemn the World, but to save the World through Him." Yes, God saves us from Hell, but living here on Earth is not purgatory; a holding ground. Jesus died so that we may live...on Earth. The urgency in the great commission should be due to the fact that people are living dead, not that they will shortly be dead and go to Hell. 

I am not saying that "we can build a beautiful city of men", especially apart from God. I am saying that I would like to reclaim humanity for the Lord. He loves His creation, and I'd like to live up to His design. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Christian girl's "Guy Criteria"

I love how Christian girls( including myself. Guilty.) get together and discuss their perfect man. They have a list of criteria, and how embarrassing when you start the list off with anything else but 'he has to be Christian'! I have felt shamed beginning my list with 'well, I really like forearms...' Let me tell you, I praised God when all of my friends agreed that being a Christian was a given and needn't be on the list. No, but let's be serious, when getting into a relationship, finding someone Christian is very important...Christian...hmmm... But what does being a Christian really mean? I've kind of raised my standards recently, seeing that there are many 'Christian' men out there, I have started saying that they have to love the Lord as much as I do...preferably more. Loving the Lord usually happens when you know the depth of His love for you. And your response to that love? Love, a repentant heart, and obedience. Sure thing.

Some signs?
-He talks about God...You'd think this would be obvious, but it can be awkward for guys who don't think about God to talk about Him, even in the Christian world.
-He tries to imitate Jesus
-Is obedient to God - So obviously he is reading God's Word, and praying, and LISTENING.
-He doesn't gossip. Many Christians fall prey to this. I do, so I hope my husband doesn't so he can keep me in check.
-He cares for others.
-He is purposeful with his speech.
-He manages his possessions well.

I so could go on!

So maybe being a Christian is a given...but what kind? And if obedience is a sign of loving God...who actually is a Christian?

Recent events have directed my thoughts to choosing a Godly spouse, but I'd like to live up to my criteria as well. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Frustration

What is God's standard of living? I want to live it. I am upset to think I do not. I am upset to call myself a Christian when I live a life of hypocrisy, judgment, and compromise. 

I am upset with my people. 

Why do we walk around saying one thing, and do another? How come it's okay for us to sin and not them? Because we know how to repent? I am sick to think of ones excuse. 
How can we condemn people who don't know Christ's love? How can we expect them to live up to Christ's standards when they do not love Jesus, and as a result, obey Him? 
Why do we choose to meet people on their level to relate and talk about Jesus? Is it okay to sin as long as we have aided in someone else's salvation? The answer is clearly no when it is put in writing. 

I think I just want to imitate Jesus.

He always walked what He talked. He left the judging up to His Father in Heaven. He met with everyone and still remained constant and pure. 

There is no working the system when the system is God and His creation. Seek Jesus and you will know God's standard. Be hot or cold for goodness' sake. Never lukewarm. 

I think I'm just spouting words. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

On this rainy day, I thought I would share with you a pretty embarrassing video. 

Other news, I am really starting to slightly comprehend God's control over my life. God is so faithful, and I am eager to surrender even more of what I thought I had control over in my life to Him; what's more, I'm excited to see what God does with it all. I feel blessed. The Lord is opening my eyes. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

She's back

I had lived outside of myself for about a year; not knowing what to do, how to listen, or where to stand. I recall standing in my room for what seemed like a minute, only to glance at the clock to find I'd  been standing there for an hour. There was no spring of joy, only an empty well; I'd given all my joy away with no way to replenish it. I remember feeling shamed and unworthy of the friendships I had. I swore they could tell I was not the same. The glow I once had, the thing I was treasured for was fading. How could they benefit or delight in my friendship now? The people I love were not impacted by me. I could bear no fruit. That's how I felt. 
What am I to do? I remember asking when I was last myself, when I last felt whole. Years ago. I wanted to take shape of who I had been, young, naive, joy filled, and caring. It was nearly impossible to take this shape since I had grown out of it. 
Okay then, where do I find my identity? In other people-who they tell me I am- oops. That's the present truth, but it certainly is not as it should be. Jesus should be where you are, generously, and beautifully defining you, I remind myself. 
Why am I not listening to people? I care, don't I? A humbling and hurtful truth: I am not loving them. Jesus is love, and I don't know him very well right now...Teach me to love, Jesus. 
Where do I stand? I have no aim, only a worn out anthem. All of these reflections hurt my soul. I am Shelby Taylor and I stand for and wait upon the Lord! Lord! Where are you?

Well, when you call upon the Lord...

Strongholds are miraculously broken, He uses you again to further His Kingdom, and He reminds you of His delight for you. I feel so treasured, I glow once more. He blesses me.
I know who I am. I am Esther with her courage, Ruth with her obedience, and Mary with her virtue. I am the Lord's; I am His daughter and His warrior. I have a cause and it is love and justice. Jesus is teaching me to love, and I have become one good listener. My anthem is to love who Jesus loves and never give up. I cry for people now, and less for myself. My heart is tender towards God and his sheep. I am redeemed. His love endures forever!

Jesus Reinstates Peter- John 21:15-17
 15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”   “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
   Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
 16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
   He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
   Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
 17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
   Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
   Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”

Friday, May 13, 2011

Inking yourself...I don't see a problem with it.

Tattoos, I used to have a problem with you. It wasn't how I was intended to be. If I was born with colorful ink embedded in my skin, so be it! If not, I could do without you. But let me just say, I've had a change of heart. You are beautiful. You are art. You make me feel like an Avatar. You are beautiful colors painted on me as if I were a canvas ready to speak to someone. I apologize tattoos. Though you are not meant for everyone, you are valid, and I will validate you soon. With class, of course.