Monday, May 23, 2011

My Frustration

What is God's standard of living? I want to live it. I am upset to think I do not. I am upset to call myself a Christian when I live a life of hypocrisy, judgment, and compromise. 

I am upset with my people. 

Why do we walk around saying one thing, and do another? How come it's okay for us to sin and not them? Because we know how to repent? I am sick to think of ones excuse. 
How can we condemn people who don't know Christ's love? How can we expect them to live up to Christ's standards when they do not love Jesus, and as a result, obey Him? 
Why do we choose to meet people on their level to relate and talk about Jesus? Is it okay to sin as long as we have aided in someone else's salvation? The answer is clearly no when it is put in writing. 

I think I just want to imitate Jesus.

He always walked what He talked. He left the judging up to His Father in Heaven. He met with everyone and still remained constant and pure. 

There is no working the system when the system is God and His creation. Seek Jesus and you will know God's standard. Be hot or cold for goodness' sake. Never lukewarm. 

I think I'm just spouting words. 

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