Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Christian girl's "Guy Criteria"

I love how Christian girls( including myself. Guilty.) get together and discuss their perfect man. They have a list of criteria, and how embarrassing when you start the list off with anything else but 'he has to be Christian'! I have felt shamed beginning my list with 'well, I really like forearms...' Let me tell you, I praised God when all of my friends agreed that being a Christian was a given and needn't be on the list. No, but let's be serious, when getting into a relationship, finding someone Christian is very important...Christian...hmmm... But what does being a Christian really mean? I've kind of raised my standards recently, seeing that there are many 'Christian' men out there, I have started saying that they have to love the Lord as much as I do...preferably more. Loving the Lord usually happens when you know the depth of His love for you. And your response to that love? Love, a repentant heart, and obedience. Sure thing.

Some signs?
-He talks about God...You'd think this would be obvious, but it can be awkward for guys who don't think about God to talk about Him, even in the Christian world.
-He tries to imitate Jesus
-Is obedient to God - So obviously he is reading God's Word, and praying, and LISTENING.
-He doesn't gossip. Many Christians fall prey to this. I do, so I hope my husband doesn't so he can keep me in check.
-He cares for others.
-He is purposeful with his speech.
-He manages his possessions well.

I so could go on!

So maybe being a Christian is a given...but what kind? And if obedience is a sign of loving God...who actually is a Christian?

Recent events have directed my thoughts to choosing a Godly spouse, but I'd like to live up to my criteria as well. 

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